Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Virginia Woolf Mult Choice

The lines "Your wife?" "No. Yours." "Oh! Mine." Use which device to create tension?
A. Synecdoche
B. Precision
C. Assonance
D. Ambiguous Diction
E. Imagery
- D. In the absence of an antecedent, the diction lacks definite meaning.

"Your sympathy disarms me..your… your compassion makes me weep! Large, salty, unscientific tears!" Which literary technique helps create George’s sarcastic tone?
A. Apostrophe
B. Asyndeton
C. Alliteration
D. Parallel Structure
E. Ellipsis
- B. The Asyndeton creates a sarcastic tone by demeaning Nick’s profession and using verbal irony (because he’s not sad at all).

"It was a hysterical pregnancy. She blew up, then she went down." Nick’s description of Honey’s pregnancy can best be described as a..
A. Euphemism
B. Pun
C. Red Herring
D. Exposition
E. Aphorism
- A. Nick uses a euphemism to avoid the reality of what happened. His polite description is a way to describe something unpleasant in an easy manner.

The repetition of George’s story used to narrate his life, create a novel, and kill his son, serves to…
A. distract Nick from the truth about their son
B. make Martha feel guilty about her incessant degrading of George’s character
C. explain George’s pain through the constant deaths of people close to him
D. show how George and Martha have turned their reality into a fictional existence through the use of stories
E. detach George from the reality of his life
- D. George and Martha have created an illusion as a coping device for their inadequacies and have developed a detachment from reality and are constantly lying in order to keep up their façade.

The repetition of the word "alone" when George and Martha discuss their son serves to..
A. show how much they miss him
B. express their discontent with each other
C. foreshadow that he does no exist
D. expose Martha’s want for more children
E. discuss how much they enjoy his absence
- C. Repetition creates emphasis on the emptiness that they feel

"You take the trouble to construct a civilization… to … to build a society, based on the principles of… of principle… you endeavor to make communicable sense out of the natural order, morality out of the unnatural disorder of man’s mind…" –George. As used in line 1, the words ‘civilization’ and ‘society’ can best be understood to be a representation of…
A. The home that George and Martha made
B. George and Martha’s constructed lie
C. The hierarchy of the History department
D. The hierarchy of the Biology department
E. The ‘new society’ that George believes that people like Nick are creating through technology
-B. Through parallelism it can be implied that George is actually talking about the nature of his life and the faults he has encountered along the way and the coping mechanisms he’s had to come up with in order to deal with them.

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